Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign. "Stop the war on the Poor." No. 536.

RNC report 9/2/2008.

Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign.

Chanting "Stop the war on the poor," about 1,000 people in the "Poor People's March" left Mears Park about 6 p.m. and marched through downtown. Their numbers swelled to 2,000 after the march passed an all-day activist event that had coincidentally just wound up on the State Capitol lawn at 7 p.m. The march ended near the Xcel Energy Center about 8 p.m.

A plan for civil disobedience fizzled with no arrests after protesters decided not to scale 8-foot fences near the arena. They poked a "citizens arrest warrant for crimes against humanity" for the Republicans through the fence and left.

How to help?
See SRRT Hunger, Homelessness & Poverty Task Force.

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