Thursday, October 05, 2006

Environmental Justice for All: Tour ’06 . A Librarian at the Kitchen Table. No. 409.

Environmental Justice for All: Tour ’06 brought together environmental justice, social justice, public health, human rights, and workers' rights groups from all over the country to host a national tour of communities directly impacted by industrial pollution to meaningfully link these communities together in a public call for safe solutions to unnecessary toxic contamination.

Meanwhile the Bush administration CLOSES EPA Libraries.

Writing of the tour --"Poor, Black and Dumped On" in his Times Select column on 10-5-2006, Bob Herbert noted:
The systematic placement of garbage dumps, chemical plants, oil refineries and other hazardous facilities in communities inhabited primarily by blacks and other disadvantaged groups is nothing less than an unconscionable extension of the devastating Jim Crow policies that have existed in one form or another, legally or illegally, since slavery.

The tour was enthusiastically received at each stop, but got hardly any attention from the larger society. The message to blacks and others struggling with these hideous policies could not have been clearer: we are not in the least interested in you.

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