Friday, March 18, 2005

Economic Opportunity Act. A Librarian at Every Table. No. 254.

March 18, 2005. No. 254.
Sources & Sites for Community Building.

Derrick Len Span's statement on the 41st anniversary of the Economic Opportunity Act.

The Community Action Partnership’s network of 1,000 Community Action Agencies, were created in 1964 to be the soldiers in President Johnson’s War on Poverty. Since then, we have helped more than 13 million people each year change their lives. We remain dedicated to continuing the fight and will not rest until at long last poverty has been eradicated.

We urge all Americans to join us in this effort by taking action in your local communities-conducting poverty awareness campaigns, encouraging the preservation of social services programs, or writing letters to elected officials in support of national anti-poverty legislation. Poverty is no one's fault but everyone's fight, so we must all do our part. The War on Poverty can be won as long as the nation makes it a commitment once again just as President Johnson did 41 years ago. [ 3/16/2005].

See: WAR! on the War on Poverty


Michael Harrington
The Other America: Poverty in the United States
New York, MacMillan, 1962.

Leiyu Shi and Gregory D. Stevens
Vulnerable Populations in the United States
Jossey-Bass, 2005.

David K. Shipler
The Working Poor :Invisible in America
Knopf, 2004/

David Wagner
The Poorhouse: America's Forgotten Institution
Lanham, 2005.

Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics and Policy

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