Tuesday, December 07, 2004

"Community Building" column in RUSQ: A Librarian at Every Table. No. 230.

The "Community Building" column in the journal, Reference and User Services Quarterly , published by the Reference and User Services Association of the American Library Association is a forum for sharing examples of public and academic librarians actively engaged with community or campus entities to demonstrate how involvement leads to meaningful community building outcomes.

A regional identity project demonstrates how e
ffective builders of community must know who they are and must feel oneness with those around them. In southern Georgia, a partnership among libraries, a university, and a school system is working to foster a sense of regional identity among high school and college students, using fiction by a local author. Funding provided by the Georgia Humanities Council.
Elaine Yontz. "Community Building" column in Reference and User Services Quarterly 43 (Summer 2004).

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